Tone totke for job promotion

Tone  totke for job promotion

 Totke is a word that is used mostly in northern India. Ancient Indian society used these tone totke to save the peoples from illness, death, health, knowledge, loss in the business or any kind of problem in life. This is a way of rites or Sadhana with the help of these peoples make their problems of daily life less and live happily with their family. There is no alternative of hard work, but according to my experience with the daily clients and by looking at hundreds of horoscopes, I am going to tell you that by some tone totke we can help you in increasing the chances of your promotion.


tone totke for job promotion

It is significant to cite here that these tone totke, which are not a substitute for professional consultation because, then totke are proposed counting on various switches and compounding in your horoscope. It is necessary to follow these tone totke with full belief and idolatry. Moreover, you may see a confirming chance to be promoted in your professional life soon with the help of Tone totke. There is a book of tone totke known as “LAL Kitab”. Lal Kitab of tone totke says that Saturn’s influence is very effective for getting a job or increase in status.

Tone totke for married life

Praying and devotion to Lord Saturn will bring relax and improvement in problems related to your married life also and in every aspect of life. Lord Saturn pleased with hard work by a man first, and then comes devotion to the lord for getting happiness in married life. Your heart must be fully clean and daily serve crows’ food in the morning after taking bath. On the other hand, every Thursday; you can serve grass to cows to enhance chances of happy married life again.

tone totke for married

For more effective Pooja or tone totke you must offer clear, cold water in the morning to lord Sun father of lord Saturn. You can chant Gayatri Mantra also for tone totke at least 108 times daily. Does this tone totke for daily for at least Eleven days. Keep this your habit to offer water lord sun it will be more beneficial to your  Married life problems or enemy problems. For those people who are not very good in married life, they can offer food and fruits to handicapped children. Married life is a very important aspect in everyone’s life. 

Tone totke for the enemy

If anyone is suffering from enemies in their life, then it is at the right place to remove your obstacle, baba ji provides tone totke it will save you from enemies. In this age of competition, everybody hates his opponent because he is jealous of your success. For self-protection in this century, people taking help from baba ji to protect their loved ones by tone totke or magical spells.If you are looking for a Baba ji to help then you are at the right place to destroy your enemy.

Tone totke for the enemy

Baba ji who possess perfect knowledge of tone totke to make your enemy destroy. Stop worrying about your enemies anymore because Baba ji provides you his shelter. If you want to destroy your enemies, by using Tone Totke of Kali Kitab then ask our Baba ji for his services. The enemy is also a person, but he all the time thinks about his benefits and harm to you. If you or your family is facing this enemy problems or love problems then you can use our Tone Totke, Which is learned from Kali Kitab ‘the black book’.

Tone totke for going abroad

One of the conditions to travel abroad is a hard and full Moon. By with Moon, Venus is another planet that may make you go out to foreign countries. If these planets Rahu – Ketu are strong, then the settlement in foreign is permanent. Lal Kitab Tone Totake for getting the job and promotion is very effective, but it must be used in proper guidance of our Baba ji. Tone Totke to Increase the Chances of Going foreign country is as follows:

Wear a white crystal around your neck on every Friday will increase the chances of your abroad, traveling or you can try to wear a 5-6 ratti white crystal with a silver ring.

There are few things or tone totke that you can apply to get promotion in job like

  1. Lord Kaal Bhairav is the most powerful Avtar of Lord Shiva who will provide you shelter under his vision, then no one can touch you either your enemies or your problems. By just worshipping Lord Bhairav gets an you out of  all types of problems very quickly and for permanently, especially  job  promotions and career growth.
  2. Lord Bhairav is also the idol Dev of Lord Saturn, you can worship Lord Bhairav with Lord Saturn it will be very effective and will make your progress incomparable to others.
  3. Worship Lord Ganesha, Lord Ganesha is also known as the Problem remover. One must worship Lord Ganesha that can help him in removing obstacles from his life.

Tone totke for the enemy


If you are suffering from any kind of these problems, then Tone Totke can help you in success.

  • For Business growth.
  • Payments from customers do not come on time
  • overdue payments
  • Business at the age of closing
  • Lost enthusiasm about work place
  • Promotions problem
  • Boss or co-workers’ problem
  • Court cases pending
  • Afraid of competition
  • Repeated failure in life.
  • Not cracking the exams
  • Feel discouraged and lost
  • Loans have raised in value


If you are suffering from all these problems then contact us, or send your queries about your problems and our baba ji will help you out. Take a piece of a ribbon made of cotton and dye it black color, and then start chanting the mantra “Om Mahalakshmyei Namah”, it is a very powerful mantra and very effective in Tone Totke. This mantra is easy to chant, but very powerful from his result.Tie this ribbon at your business shop or in your office to .

Your business shall bloom again as soon as you start worshiping Lord sun and Lord Saturn. Those in service must put this thread in their drawer for better service. With time, condition will change and you will see the ecstasy you have never seen before in your whole life. So feel free to contact our Baba ji to help you out in any kind of problems related with Tone Totke.